suddenly, in the midst of life, I woke to find myself on a wild and beautiful island…
yellowferret (BA(Hons); MA) is an enthusiast. She likes adventure, being intrepid if not brave, and has lived in Chicago, Paris, Liverpool and Crete and in every quadrant of her native London (having a special affection for E1).
Currently she finds herself back in her ‘motherland’ in the breathtakingly beautiful Causeway Coast and Glens area of Northern Ireland where she was privileged to spend much of her childhood (with her equally beautiful extended family; damn she loves ‘em).
In a peripatetic and diverse career (embracing work from dog grooming to banking, restaurant management to addiction services, from veterinary assistance to language teaching, tour-guiding to shop-keeping, shall I go on?) a couple of things remained constant: She always wrote and she always practiced astrology. This website is about sharing those passions with the world and meeting kindred spirits.
She proudly holds the British Beekeeping Association Level 1 Practical Certificate. Save the Bees!
Enjoy and get in touch, if you feel inclined. yellowferret always likes to meet new friends.